The mid-Ramadan slump…

The mid-Ramadan slump…

When the fasts get slow, when the days feel long and the Taraweeh lines get short…

We go trough this every year and I think everyone experiences it in some way or the other. It’s important to acknowledge that this is happening so you can deal with it and re-energize ahead of the last 10 days.

Focus on quality over quantity. Remember, everyone’s worship is different and fluctuations in your level of faith or Imaan are completely natural and normal. We can not experience the highs without the lows.

  • Take a break from your Ramadan routine – change things up.
  • Reflect on the importance of Ramadan and what you’ve achieved so far.
  • Read the translation of the Quran to compliment your Arabic recitation.
  • Get some rest, catch up on some sleep.
  • Listen to motivational lectures about Ramadan.
  • Listen to the recitation of the Quran.

Don’t make Ramadan unnecessarily hectic and it won’t be a blurred memory. By taking some time out during the middle 10 days of Ramadan, we can improve our chances of maximising the final 10 days/nights.

Decide on what your core Ibadah actions are and focus on achieving this as a minimum during the middle 10 days. Plan ahead and establish some sort of direction for the final 10 days/nights of Ramadan and then give it all you have In Sha Allah!

In the words of Muhammad Ali, ‘Don’t count the days, make the days count’.

0 thoughts on “The mid-Ramadan slump…”

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    Да, выйти из строя может любой кондиционер. Но клиенты компании «Климат Сервис 24» знают: любую поломку можно устранить.
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